What do helmets and protective vests have in common?




Every day vests and other gear safeguard us using chlor-alkali…

Did you know that chlor-alkali chemistry goes into all kinds of protective vests for safety and protection? Aramid fibres, made using teraphtaloyl chloride, are known for their use in protective armour. They also feature in protective flame- or heat-resistant clothing, such as gloves worn by industrial workers and motorcycle suits and jackets for sport or leisure.

Other forms of chlor-alkali protection include polycarbonate face shields and goggles that help people in medical, industrial and other settings resist against high heat applications and flying debris.

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.. as do bicycle helmets when we go out for a spin

When you take your bicycle for a nice ride in the park, remember that your helmet is made of polycarbonate that uses chlor-alkali chemistry. Polycarbonate is a strong material that can maintain its toughness even in high temperatures, which is why it is also found in other types of helmets such as for fire fighters, as well as many other products.

Bicycle frames, tyres and saddles are also made from chlorine-derived materials. Don’t forget either that the cycling shoes you wear will probably contain polyurethane, an important chlor-alkali material that provides comfort and support in all types of terrain.

More detailed information here >

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Chlor-alkali is vital for many products in our daily life.